Monday, April 7, 2014

Dear Bah...

please I need help.
Thank you for this forum, i pray you can help me.
I have been a single mom for several years now.
It all started in 2007. My life quickly changed as my kids father went to prison for seven years for a bank fraud he knew nothing about, and I was left to handle everything, my house & my 2 children, as years passed things got worse I had to start a part-time business to complement my salary from work, just to support my family as well as my home, I try so hard to provide for my children as I struggled as years passed.
Now my husband will soon be released, and i just dont know what to feel, i have lost contact with his family, except his friend who has always helped and encouraged me. As if what i am going through is not enough now i have to cater for a man, who only God knows what has become of him right now.
Any moment now i know i will soon be called upon. Please i need advice from whoever can understand what im going through


  1. My dear,
    My advise to you is if u still love him, then you must take him back, besides he is still your husband
